Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Day 2 - Lectures in Tuguegarao

The second day of our lectures went very well with growing interest and a greater number. Rody began by continuing his series on a “Survey of the Old Testament” and the historical setting. Chip was next to teach on “The Courage of Josiah.” I finished the time with the third lesson of the family series on “Roles of Husbands & Wives.”

The afternoon session began with Rody again speaking on a “Survey of the Old Testament.” Chip’s sermon was on “I Never Knew You” from Matthew 7:21-23. He showed how we can avoid this terrible end. I took a longer period in the afternoon to combine two lessons. The first was on “Roles of Parents, Children & Grandparents.” After concluding that study, we went immediately into “Attitudes for Godly Families.” Rody then gave some emphasis on the teachings in the dialect to clarify and expound on some points so that the audience would understand more fully. I think we are striking a chord that is helping, challenging and encouraging the brethren here. It has been well worth the effort! We ended after 5pm and many of the people left for their homes on the tricycles, jeepneys and other means for long journeys that they will repeat tomorrow.

After supper, we again offered time for a question/answer period. There were many questions tonight on a great variety of subjects. We went well past the allotted time, but answered all questions asked. Rody continued to teach and follow-up on today’s lessons in the dialect after we returned to the hotel.

The weather has been unbelievably pleasant this trip. Only two days in Cebu would be considered “hot” and neither of those was really hot by Philippine standards. Today in Tuguegarao, it is the coolest I have ever felt here! I have delayed writing about the good temperature to this point for fear that I might jinx our good fortune. It is hard to believe this is really Tuguegarao went I am not sweating under 100+ degree heat with 90+% humidity! As we left the building tonight, I would guess that the temperature was around 72 degrees. Sweet!

Thanks again for your concern, prayers and support.

Brotherly, Harry O.