Thursday, November 14, 2019

Last Full Day of Classes

It is hard to believe that this week is almost over! The time seems to have flown by and we find ourselves with only a half-day of classes left for tomorrow. Each day seems to have been more fruitful than the day before. I remain grateful beyond words that I have been given this great opportunity by the sacrifices made by so many of you!

We covered 2 Corinthians 8-10 today. Chapters 8 and 9 dealing with this collection for the poor saints occupied our morning studies. We noted that the whole context deals with a “ministry” or “fellowship” that took place due to a spiritual connection between the givers and the receivers. We dealt with the arguments made by those in institutional churches who claim the responsibility of giving benevolent aid from the treasury of the church to both saints and alien sinners. Instead, we noted that such a view is not supported by this context, nor is it even consistent with it. We also examined Romans 15:25-27.

After the lunch break, we examined Paul’s defense of his conduct and apostolic authority whish he received of the Lord. Though the Judaizing teachers sought to attack Paul and deny that he was a real apostle, Paul clearly shows his own conduct exemplified his claim and promised to demonstrate such upon his return to Corinth if his detractors remain there at his next coming.

We also gave much attention to 2 Corinthians 10:4-6 and the requirement of “bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ.” It is, indeed, a great task, but we must strive to master both body and mind by bringing them to the full service of our Lord.

At the end of the class today, I had told them that I viewed “Tell Me The Story Of Jesus” as my favorite song. When class ended and I was packing up my things to go, C.B. Balbin led the class in that song and I was touched. Even though I love being at home with my family and my home congregation, I miss these brethren so much when we part!