Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Safe Arrival in Dumaguette

This trip began for me on Sunday afternoon with the flight from Oklahoma City to Atlanta. After spending the night in Atlanta, I caught a flight on Monday to Tokyo Narita and then connected with another flight to Manila where I arrived at 10pm Tuesday, local time. After a very long wait on baggage, I got to the hotel a little after midnight. Today’s flight to Dumaguette got me to the place where we will begin the lectures tomorrow.

Mario Rubio does local work in this area. He met me at the airport together with Jonathan Carino and Jack Jaco. We discussed the topics to cover tomorrow and other arrangements for the lectures. Mario went out to get copies made of the lessons to be covered since this help in the understanding initially and to facilitate further study. Jonathan, Jack and I ate supper at the hotel and I am posting this report from there. After several very turbulent flights and a restless night, I look forward to turning in early tonight and getting some rest before the real work starts.

Thanks for your support in every way. I will try to keep all updated with the work as it progresses each day. Please keep us and the work in your prayers.

Brotherly, Harry O.