Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Second Day of Classes

This was our second day of classes on the book of 2nd Corinthians – the first full day of classes. We began at 8am and finished up at about 3pm. Our class schedule was shorter today because I knew we would take less time to cover the material than will be necessary for the remainder of the week. Several who were unable to be here yesterday were able to join us today. Rody and Tessie Gumpad were able to make the journey from Tuguegarao after being delayed by helping brethren in their area following the heavy flooding that has occurred in the Cagayan province. Please keep those brethren in your prayers as they struggle with those trials just as those in southern Mindanao are dealing with the effects of the swarm of strong eartquakes.

Our studies today began with 2 Corinthians 2:14 and went through 5:10. We started with an excellent discussion of how we are assured of triumph “in Christ.” We went on to discuss how our lives must have the “fragrance of Christ” about them, not the aroma of death when characterized by sin. Paul is an excellent example of one whose life exemplified the “aroma of life” and he preached the gospel message in sincerity rather than “peddling the gospel” for selfish benefits. The Judaizing teachers who denied Paul’s apostolic authority were of the opposite character.

In our studies of the third chapter, we noted the taking away of the first covenant (the law of Moses) as all are not under the “ministry of the Spirit” in the gospel of Christ. Jim Puterbaugh and others have sown must error over here as they have taught the “One Eternal Covenant” doctrine claiming that there has been no change of law. We showed how this passage very clearly refutes that false doctrine.

In chapter four, we discussed the responsibility we have to proclaim the pure truth of the gospel and not handle it deceitfully. If we try to change the gospel message to more palatable or less offensive to the sinner, we merely “veil” it from the very people that need to see it clearly. Instead, we need to teach the pure gospel with all boldness so that all may see exactly what it teaches without any alterations and let the power of that gospel have its full work on the soul.

We concluded the day by studying the first part of chapter five regarding the fact that we must put off our earthly “tabernacles” or physical bodies at the end of this life and come before the judgment seat of Christ. As we recognize more of the hardships, persecution and frailties of this life, the Christian longs more and more “to be absent from the body and to be at home with the Lord.” It was a great way to end our day of studies!