We began with 2 Corinthians
5:11 and went through the chapter 7. We examined themes like the proper mind
and character of the one teaching the gospel, the concept of reconciliation, the
universal application of the word, the meaning and terms of fellowship, the
nature of true repentance and others.
Throughout the day, we tried
to first understand the meaning of the text by seeing what it taught to the
first century readers. After seeking to understand the text in its context, we
then tried to make application to us. I am very impressed with this group of
students and their diligence in this effort.
Of course, one of the
greatest helps in this effort has been the work of Jonathan Carino, Lordy
Salunga and Rody Gumpad who take the last 30 minutes to an hour of the morning
and afternoon sessions to discuss in their dialect any questions that the
students may have from the lessons given by me in English. Although the
students all know English, it is a second language to them and not as familiar
as their native dialect.
The more we have this type of class, the more I am convinced they are helpful to our Philippine brethren. I appreciate those who have helped with support, prayers and encouragement to make these studies possible. I see the fruit daily as these brethren repeatedly comment on the things they have learned and show an evident excitement about that learning as they look forward to using what they have learned in teaching others.