Today was a re-introduction to the frustration of Manila
traffic. A terrible delay in Pasay and Makati delayed Rody and Tessie Gumpad
along with Ely Ebuenga from picking me up until very late. The road to our
schedule was also very crowded bringing even further delay. It has been several
years since I last preached several days in Manila and the delay reminded me of
the difficulties of getting around in the greater Manila area (called the
“National Capital Region” – NCR) composed of 19 to 20 million people. If you
think traffic is bad where you are, just come to Manila and you will quickly
see how fortunate you are!
The first appointment was with the Phase – 6, Camarin
congregation in Caloocan City. I had worked with the congregation several years
ago when Jun Layusa was preaching with them. Jun has since moved to the Bicol
region to start a new work, so others are now doing the preaching there.
Getting to their meeting house is a challenge in many ways ranging from the
winding and rough roads to get there as well as the path to walk to reach it.
We had a good number gathered to hear the gospel. Since our
time was limited due to the travel, I preached a very shortened form of “When
Was Saul Saved?” Rody followed with another tarp sermon on “The True Church of
Christ.” When the invitation was extended, 3 came to be baptized into Christ.
The second schedule was with the San Jose, Tala congregation
in Caloocan City. The work is a relatively newly restarted one. The preacher is
the restored son of the former preacher who passed away from the effects
leprosy a few years ago. It seems the son now has concern for the work his father
gave his life building and we hope his concern will remain and grow.