We began the day with Lord’s Day services together with the
new congregation at Pasay. We had a very good number of visitors and many were
first time visitors. (Rody and the other brethren will follow-up with each
one.) I preached in the Bible class hour on “Confusing the Issue” from Luke 10.
We noted that the lawyer asked the question regarding what one must do to inherit
eternal life, and Jesus responded by asking him what the law said. The lawyer
correctly answered about the demands of the law showing he could clearly
understand it. However, to justify himself, he tried to bring confusion as to
who was considered his “neighbor.” We noted that many use a similar tactic to
confuse the plain demands of the gospel regarding moral living, the one true
church and a variety of doctrinal teachings, including the plan of salvation.
We had some good discussion afterwards.
Rody presented a brief lesson from a printed tarp on “Know
the Truth.” It covered some very basic points and was delivered in the Tagalog
dialect which is the native language for the visitors. They seemed to receive
it well and several expressed a desire for further study.
In the last hour, I taught an abbreviated form of a lesson
entitled “Create in Me a Clean Heart” from Psalm 51. It dealt with the need for
true repentance as well as what it involves. We also briefly touch on the way
that “new heart” is created after we banish the old heart – by study of God’s
word and letting it take the guidance in our lives.
In the afternoon, we again traveled to Muntilupa for more
work in the New Bilibid Prison. We first went for a short visit in the Maximum
Security unit where we met with those in charge of religious services and
guaranteed a place and time for the Christians in that unit to meet every week.
Security was extremely tight to enter this facility with a pat down that even
surpassed the TSA searches in our country. We then proceeded to the Medium
Security prison where I preached first on “Who Is Your Master – Who Do You