Monday, April 25, 2022

Last Week Begins


Our Sunday started much like those at home. Jonathan again took the Bible study period, teaching on the identity and characteristics of the church we read about in the New Testament. During the morning worship, I was asked to preach and took the words of David from 1 Samuel 17, “Is There Not a Cause?” as a sermon on the need for us to have courage and stand against assaults on

God’s will regarding the family, the church and our individual lives.


Sunday afternoon and evening was spent reading, studying and preparing for classes this week. I was even able to get to bed by 10pm which is a real luxury while involved in this work!


Monday started the last week of the classes for training these young men. They had already been in these studies for two weeks before Jonathan and I came, so this is their fourth and final week of the classes. The Old Testament Survey class covered the book of Job this morning. The first afternoon class was the Old Testament Prophets class and we overviewed the prophets Joel, Jonah and Amos. Whether it was the subjects covered or the fact that the students are becoming comfortable with us teaching, they really seemed to come alive more today as they responded more and seemed to be grasping things much better.


The last class of the day was Church History in which we began to deal with the Reformation period. We looked at the parts played in that movement by John Wycliffe, Jan Huss, Desiderius Erasmus, Martin Luther and Ulrich Zwingli. The class was very interested in the study as they had never heard of this period and we continued with a discussion of the points covered with Rody stepping in to help further explain the points in their dialect.


Once more, please let me extend my thanks for your interest and prayers on our behalf and your help in making this effort possible. God bless!