Saturday, April 23, 2022

First Week Over

 Friday was another very full day of classes. The Old Testament Survey class was an overview of Ezra, Nehemiah and Esther. At the end of the class, we made some practical applications of how all of these were prepared for God to use them for good, and He did use them in His cause for good. We noted the need we all have to prepare ourselves for the Master’s use and then have faith to allow Him to use us as He wills.


The afternoon class on OT Prophets studied a summary of the book of Daniel. We noted some brief points about the nature of apocalyptic literature. We also emphasized the faith and courage demonstrated by Daniel and the fact that it was sustained over a very long period of time.


The Church History class focused on the apostasy moving towards the development of Roman Catholicism in the west and the Orthodox Church in the east. We also examined numerous early opponents of the papacy. I am always amazed at the vast difference between the first century church in the New Testament in comparison to the Roman Catholic Church, the Orthodox Churches and the vast variety of denominationalism.


My Saturday has been a full day of preparing materials for next week’s classes and the sermon tomorrow. It always amazes me that I am constantly busy during these classes, though I have taught them all before. Bible study is always a fresh effort and full of new treasures to find every time regardless of how many times one has studied the same material before.


Thank you for your continued interest in this work. Please keep us all in your prayers.