Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Mid-Point of Classes

We made it through the night without any after shocks of which I am aware. From what I understand, we are still under a warning about the likelihood of those shocks. I am not sure whether I hope we do not get any after shocks or we have one and get it over with. Right now, it is kind of like waiting for the other shoe to drop.

Jonathan and Nanette Carino were delayed in getting me this morning as Jonathan was not feeling well. He managed to make it through the day, but I could tell he was not at full strength. His work with Lordy in explaining the material in the dialect did not seem to suffer in any way.

We began by dealing with 1st Corinthians 7 for the vast majority of the morning. We noted that the chapter begins a section of the book where Paul is answering questions asked to him by those in the church at Corinth. We had a number of good questions and discussion in our study. We noted the focus on the permanence of marriage that is seen in the first part of the chapter and the focus on the “present distress” in the latter part of the chapter. After a short break, we then began the study the subject introduced in chapter eight: “Now concerning things offered to idols.” At the end of chapter eight, Lordy and Jonathan again took over to clarify any questions from the students in their dialects.

After lunch, we covered 1st Corinthians 9-10. We noted that Paul’s example of forgoing his liberty as an apostle and a free man was used to show how those in Corinth, thinking themselves to be strong, should also be willing to forgo their liberties for the good of others and the cause of Christ. We had some excellent discussion about how to apply this teaching in their culture and how the principles can be applied in various situations. Since this was a shorter amount of material, I ended my part of the class early and left Jonathan and Lordy to do their part.

We are now past the halfway point with these classes. The Lord willing, tomorrow will be our longest day of classes given the subject matter of 1st Corinthians 11-14. Friday is planned as a half day of study so the students can travel back to their homes and be ready for Sunday. Please keep us in your prayers that we may finish this effort in a way that glorifies our Lord.