Sunday, November 11, 2012

Lord's Day in Oroquieta City

Before the report about Sunday, there is more good news about yesterday’s work in Malaubang, Clarin. After we left, another man decided to be baptized into Christ in obedience to the gospel. So, that made a total of three souls baptized yesterday in Clarin.

We worshipped today with the church in Oroquieta City. They meet in a classroom of a National High School in that city – normally renting one room for their gathering. Today, an adjoining room was also rented so that a larger space could be used to accommodate the number expected. As it turned out, the full amount of space rented was needed as we had a full house. I did not get a count on the number, but I am sure there were well in excess of 100 present. Some had to leave before the last study in order to get home before dark because many depend on vehicles that have no lights or on public transportation that does not run as late on Sunday. The constant heavy rain also complicated the commute for those traveling some distance.

In the morning worship, one of the young men taught the Bible class while another led the singing and led in the observance of the Lord’s Supper. I was asked to preach the final lesson for the morning and spoke on “Being Perfectly Joined Together” from 1 Corinthians 1:10-13. In the afternoon session, I preached on “Identifying the New Testament Church” from 1 Corinthians 1:1-2. Jonathan again presented the study on “The Lord’s Supper.” After the lessons, we gave time for a question/answer period. One man from an institutional background asked about the points I covered on the unscriptural nature of the sponsoring church arrangement. He seemed defensive of it at first, but abandoned that effort once a more detailed examination of 1 Peter 5:1-2 made the futility of that effort obvious to everyone. So, he shifted gears and asked questions about the meaning of “cup” in the Lord’s Supper. After that, he asked what I thought the church should do about global warming. In 36 years of preaching, that was a first.

The congregation has been troubled in previous times by various opinions and errors (one container, mutual edification, kneeling as the required posture in prayer, institutionalism and so on). After we had agreed to include this congregation in our schedule, one of the “One Covenant” advocates (Ernesto Canon) tried to get the brethren to cancel the schedule, claiming we would try to divide the church. Actually, Ernesto working with Wallace Little and Jim Puterbaugh from the US are the cause of division by teaching that God did not take away the law of Moses to establish a new covenant of Christ in the gospel. Instead, they claim that God has the same covenant today as was found in the Old Testament. Our lessons were designed to show who urged unity by teaching the same doctrine of Christ given by the authority of Christ in the gospel – the gospel first taught on the Pentecost of Acts 2. It became apparent that the ones behind the effort to prevent our teaching were the previously named Americans along with others advocating errors on the “Divorce and Remarriage” and/or the “Fellowship” issues. Their efforts were not successful as the brethren repeatedly stated their appreciation for and agreement with the things taught. In the closing comments, they expressed a desire for us to come again and have similar meetings in the future.

This trip is quickly coming to a close. The Lord willing, tomorrow will be our last schedule here on Mindanao. I am then scheduled to fly back to Manila on Tuesday for work associated with future preacher training efforts and the purchase of Bibles in the dialect. Wednesday is the last scheduled preaching on this trip with Lordy Salunga and Atoy Franco at the prison in Muntinlupa where Willie Pastor continues to be held in a travesty of justice. Please remember these efforts in your prayers.