Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Very Productive Tuesday

Today was a much shorter and easier day, but still very productive. Since the scheduled we had planned for today was pushed to last night, we had some open time to discuss more in depth with some of the denominational preachers who showed great interest, but still had questions. We secured the same venue I had used Sunday night to use as the place to meet since it is in the central business district and has a room suitable for the number expected (30 to 35). Ben Canada’s first cousin was baptized into Christ after the lectures that ended last Friday. She has shown great zeal ever since in following us to hear more and in getting friends and family to come hear the gospel message. Since she teaches college and is very active in the community, she has a number of contacts. She asked if she could invite some people to join us today and we readily agreed. Since several could only stay for the morning and had talked with Jonathan Carino and Jack Jaco about their views, I thought it best for the two of them to take the morning lectures. Even though the people speak English, it is a second language to them and they could cover more ground more effectively speaking in their dialect. This also allowed my voice some rest as it was almost gone from yesterday. After lunch, I did the teaching and had a very lengthy question and answer session. One man from Nigeria was very insistent on the idea that all matured and dedicated Christians are baptized in the Holy Spirit and guided by the Spirit directly, but he could produce no Bible to sustain his claims. The effect was to help the others clearly see the truth as his views were answered fully with Scripture and several claims he made were directly refuted by plain statements of Scripture.

Though no one was baptized from the session, I believe it was very productive. A denominational preacher and his wife told me that they were talking and studying very seriously and are on the verge of making the decision to obey the gospel. I talked with both for a long time after the study and believe they are very close to the kingdom. Two other denominational preachers expressed much the same views of being very close to deciding to be baptized into Christ. Three or four from the morning studies expressed similar thought to the Filipino brethren before they had to leave at noon. I must confess that I forgot to take out my camera during today’s session, so these pictures are from previous days.

Tomorrow, John, Jack and I will be flying to Zambuanga City, the Lord willing. Please remember us in your prayers for a safe journey.