Saturday, December 15, 2012

20 Member of New Bataan Church Killed in Typhoon

The following message is from Connie Balbin who lives in Davao:

Initial Report: We just arrived home after the lectureship of brother Ron in Gensan. We have contacted the preacher of the small local church of the New Bataan, Compostela Valley; where the most greatly affected and majority of deaths are there. The preacher, brother Jerry Lindaan, went to Gensan to inform us personally. About 20 members of the church were killed not by the Strong winds of the typhoon but with the unexpected flash floods that washed out the entire New Bataan place. The preacher's house survived although barely because their roof was gone and flown away. Father wanted to go tomorrow, with my brother Sonni, to Moncayo, Compostela Valley to check the brethren there also. It is extremely difficult to go the New Bataan for now because of the foul smell that surrounds the place possible caused by the rotten corpses.