Monday, September 10, 2012

Sunday & Monday in Auckland

For our Sunday services, we had only the members making up the Meadowood congregation plus Lordy and myself – ten in number. I brought the lesson for the first hour which was aimed at encouraging the brethren to continue standing for the truth and depending on the Lord to help them overcome opposition and trials. Lordy brought a lesson on modesty in dress and conduct for the second hour and I led the singing.

We started at 10am and ended well after 1pm. All of the members stayed together at the Salunga’s house throughout the afternoon as we were able to associate and discuss throughout the day. At 6pm, Lordy and I visited the institutional group that Ronnie and the others left for their evening gathering. After a very casual period of singing and a talk given by the preacher, we were able to visit with many of the people and invited all to come study the Scripture with us. By all appearances, Bible study did not seem high on their agenda, but we hope some might come.

Our Monday night study was a time for the members to ask questions of concern in the work and study. We tried to answer each one from the Scripture and all seemed to benefit from the class. The session lasted over three hours with a good variety of topics that manifested good study and effort by these brethren. They are good examples of the fact that rapid growth in the knowledge of the Scripture comes when we try to teach others. This will be a difficult work and will require patience, but these brethren seem determined to put forth the effort over a long period in order to bring others to the Lord and work together as a sound congregation that upholds the pattern of doctrine and practice authorized by Christ.