On Friday, I was again unable to join in the distribution efforts for that day in Cagayan de Oro. After a morning visit to the ER at a local hospital for IV fluids and medication, the doctor instructed me to rest and start the oral antibiotics as soon as possible. Again, Chip Foster went with the Filipino brethren to oversee the benevolent distribution in this area. Chip's report of the day follows:
On Friday we stayed in Cayagan De Oro traveling to to churches. The first church we went to was the San Simon church of Christ. It was about a 30 minute drive from the central city. There the members were waiting for us and Jun began the distribution. I find it hard to describe the look on their faces and their sense of relief as they receive needed essentials; 48 bags of rice and groceries. Here there were four families that lost their homes in the floods and 14 had their homes flooded. Again Jonathan and Jun were well organized and the distribution went well.
The members here were very grateful for the assistance. I feel privileged to have witnessed this knowing that the glory goes to God as Christians saw the need of brothers and sisters and responded overwhelmingly.
Due to the time schedule we had to leave immediately after and return to Cagayan to go to the Camaman-an church of Christ. Jun preachers at both of these congregations each Sunday. His home church is at Camaman-an and in the afternoon he travels to San Simon to preach.
At Camaman-an 60 bags of rice were distributed. The grocery bags that were also distributed were not available because of an unforeseen need in Iligan. there are funds remaining that will be used to supply this need to those in Camaman-an. Only one house here was flooded. Again the brethren here were grateful for the outpouring of love and support.