Jack Jaco started the morning session with some comments and
Jonathan Carino followed with a short lesson on “The Sum of Thy Word Is Truth” just as he did in Bacolod. His lesson emphasized the need to hear all that God says on any subject, not just part of it.
Before the lunch break, I taught the first of the three part series
After lunch, we again started with a period of singing hymns. John then gave his lesson on “The Identity, Nature, Work & Worship of the Church.” He spent a good period of time showing that the NT “church of Christ” and the “kingdom of Christ” are two descriptions of the same group of people under the guidance of Christ who are saved by Him. It was again an excellent lesson much needed by the denominational audience. Several demonstrated obvious agreement with the principles even though they had not previously believed the points taught. Several made comments attesting to that fact after the lecture.
My second part on “The Work of the Holy Spirit” dealt with the purpose and duration of miraculous action. The attention during the lesson was excellent and very well-mannered, unlike the
Since the lectures went fairly long today, we had only 10 to 15 minutes for questions and answers. One man ask about whether we could be sure the church and kingdom of Christ were the same people. I reaffirmed some of the same points John had already made plus showing that Colossians 1 clearly identifies the same people “translated into the kingdom” (v 13) and those “redeemed” by Christ and identified a the “body” or “church” in verse 18. It is obvious that the audience is steeped in Premillennialism and we will probably need to plow that ground again tomorrow.
Thank you again for your help and interest in this work. You are in our prayers daily because of your love for lost souls and your concern that they have the opportunity to hear and obey God’s will. Please continue to pray that we will so proclaim that truth that these souls may have it clearly presented to their minds so that they may respond as they have prepared their hearts. May God bless and keep you all as you serve Him.
Brotherly, Harry O.