Friday, September 7, 2018

Safe Travel to Cebu

The trip to the Philippines was mostly normal, but especially rough starting about 2 or 3 hours out of Tokyo. This was about what I expected with the remnants of Typhoon Jebi exiting the Japanese archipelago at that point. However, about 30 minutes out of Tokyo, it became fairly calm which was much better than the normal experience. For some reason, I had a very difficult time sleeping on the plane, so the 13+ hours between Atlanta and Tokyo seemed to last forever. The final part of the trip from Tokyo to Manila was smooth as far as the flight went, but I was stuck beside one of the most irritable American men I have ever seen. Nothing suited him and he complained the whole time – mostly with foul language. I started to sing “I’m Happy Today,” but surmised that would probably not go over well.

Thursday brought the usual logistics work. To save on baggage cost with the Philippine flight to Cebu, I shipped the notebooks and supplies for the classes by cargo. Though the cargo place is no more than 2 or 3 miles at the most, it usually takes about 2 to 3 hours to make the trip. I was extremely blessed to have Sammy Paet and his son, R.J., to take the box for me, saving me a great deal of time. (Their picture is on the blog address given above.) So, I spent most of the day catching up on sleep and trying to shake off the jet-lag effects.

Today was travel day from Manila to Cebu. The flight was an hour and a half. This is the first time I can remember the flight taking off on time and landing early! That never happens, but I am thankful it did today!

Jonathan and Nanette Carino came to get me and pick up the cargo shipped the previous day at the same time. However, the cargo had not yet arrived, but Jonathan was assured it would be here by this afternoon or Saturday, at the latest.

As most of you know, this is my first trip to the Philippines since November of 2017. I canceled the trip planned last April because my mother was going down in her health. She passed from this life in May and I am very thankful that I could be with her through the last part of her earthly life. So, I plan to make 2 trips in the remaining months to start catching up with commitments made over the past 4 or 5 years. The Lord willing, I will return in November to have similar classes in Tuguegarao and Angeles City. I will be getting out a letter soon seeking support for that trip. Please keep these efforts in your prayers that hearts may be opened to the truth of the gospel.

One of the opportunities on this trip has been over 3 years in coming to fruition. About 4 years ago, we had some lectures offered to denominational people in a hotel function room in the downtown area. The owners of the hotel came in to hear the things being taught. They were happy to hear us use Scripture and teach only what God’s word says rather than our own opinions or denominational doctrine. They approached us and asked if we would be willing to come and share the teaching with the Baptist Church where they attended. Of course, we readily agreed, but various conflicts from their side and also from my inability to come at their open time have kept us from getting together. Finally, it has worked out that we will speak to the group on both Wednesday night (9/12) and Sunday (9/16). Please keep this opportunity in your prayers.

Unless something unexpected happens tomorrow (Sat - 9/8), I will not be sending a report, but spend the time working on sermons for Sunday and the classes starting on Monday. Thanks again for your support and prayers. We will do our best to do the work of the Lord in keeping with His truth in both action and attitude. God bless!