Saturday, September 3, 2016

Lectures in Central Cebu City

The lectures today were at a rented venue on the main traffic circle at the center of the downtown area. It was a nice Philippine hotel and our function room was on the third floor. One of the owners was attending the lectures and has shown great interest in the gospel. Her and her husband agreed to rent it at a very good rate and then gave us a room twice as large as the one agreed and much nicer. It was a great deal for the price! It was well air-conditioned, so I was very comfortable through the day until about the last hour, and then only slightly warm. As is normal, we got started almost an hour after the starting time I had been announced.

The first lesson preached was on “Salvation and the Seed, the Word of God” from 1 Peter 1:22-25. We noted that the power is in the seed to produce according to its kind. So, if we want the salvation given by God, we must go to the right seed – the gospel of Christ. The thoughts and feelings of man are not the standard, but that which God directs of us in His word.

The second lesson dealt with “God’s Use of the Prophets” from 2 Peter 1:12-21 and 1 Peter 1:10-12. The lesson focused on the meaning of “inspiration” and how God inspired His word. The point being that God caused the speakers and writers to say exactly what He wanted them to say because He controlled their words. We also noted that those words can be understood and cannot be changed.

In the Question / Answer session just before lunch, the question of instrumental music in worship to God was raised by a woman who was a principal at a denomination school in Bogo, at the north end of Cebu Island. She was converted when I was preaching up there several years ago. She asked on behalf of another lady, a so-called “pastora” or denominational preacher, that she brought. We dealt with the fact that singing can be shown as authorized in the NT because it was commanded and practiced in the NT. We asked if anyone had a NT verse showing it was authorized in NT times. All admitted that no such verse exists in the NT. I then made the comparison with the practice of circumcision taken out of the OT and commanded in NT times. Galatians 5:4 says the result of such was that they were severed from Christ. We made the comparison with animal sacrifice and David’s polygamy to show other cases where those in denominations would not reach back to the OT for a practice approved then and try to say it can also be practiced today.

After lunch, I started with the lesson on “Salvation and Saul,” examining the denominational claims of when we are saved and trying to claim Saul as their example. We noted that Saul (later called Paul) was not saved at the point of faith only, at the point of repentance and prayer, at the point of a personal appearance of Jesus or at the point of a miracle being received. Paul was saved at the point of being baptized into Christ, there cleansed by Christ’s blood (Acts 22:16; Rom. 6:3-11). We then studied the NT teaching about baptism as a whole to reach the inescapable conclusion that being baptized into Christ is essential for salvation.

The last lesson dealt with “The Blood of Jesus and Salvation from Sin.” We started with the book of Hebrews, especially chapters 9 and 10, to note that the blood of animals could not cleanse man from sin, but only the blood of Jesus. We went back to the OT to show that the blood always represented the life. Man has never been permitted to eat the blood because it belonged to God since the “life” belonged to God. When the Israelites offered animal sacrifices, they were always instructed to give that blood at the altar as representing the life being given. We then noted that that blood of an animal (or life of the animal) was not of sufficient value to save a human who offered it. But the value of Jesus’ blood, as the perfect sacrifice, is sufficient in value to save all of mankind. The question then comes of when we meet that blood and the gospel clearly shows that it as the point of baptism.

In the Question / Answer period several questions were asked and answered. One was from a man who is a college professor in Bogo as well as a denominational preacher who was trained in a Baptist seminary. He is very close to accepting the truth on the necessity of water baptism for the remission of sins, but is still “kicking against the goads” of long-standing belief to the contrary. He was asking about Jesus’ baptism by John and noting it was not for remission of sins and trying to escape its essentiality from that route. As we answered and discussed more, you could almost see the change in his face to recognize that was not working. After the lectures, we talked for some time and I sense that he is very close to the kingdom. Please pray for him!