Saturday, September 8, 2012

Friday & Saturday Studies in Auckland

On Friday night, we had a very good class with about 20 people. I presented a lesson on the salvation of Saul and we had a very good question/answer period afterwards. It appears that some progress may have been made with a few that attended. Though no one responded to the invitation when Ronnie Salunga extended it, several seemed to be giving serious consideration. A family of Koreans that were of an evangelical persuasion heard the points showing Saul was not saved by faith only and left immediately. All of the others were attentive and open to the truth. The study and follow-up period lasted until almost 11pm.

On Saturday afternoon, several of Lordy and Ronnie Salunga’s relatives came over to visit before the study period. Others came early as well, so we had a good opportunity to become acquainted before the class time started at 3pm. I began the session with a lesson on Evidences that appealed to fulfilled prophecy and historical accuracy as compelling evidence for the divine inspiration of Scripture, especially as they are viewed together in their combined effect. Lordy followed with a lesson on “The Gospel and the Seed” from 1 Peter 1:22-25. He did an excellent job as always.

After the second lesson, we opened the floor to another question/answer period and it was the most lively yet. It became very interesting when a former “fortune teller” decided to give her “testimony” about her salvation by faith alone without baptism, appealing, of course, to the most famous thief known to our Baptist friends. It gave us the opportunity to do more teaching on the change of covenants, the purpose of baptism and the errors of the “faith only” doctrine. The added study seemed to clarify the matter for several present, but our former fortune teller decided to switch topics and affirm the “once saved, always saved” doctrine. We dealt with that topic by studying mostly from Hebrews 6:4-6, but also briefly considering Hebrews 3:12-14 and a few other passages. The bulk of the audience seemed to understand and accept those points as well. Again, when the invitation was extended, no one obeyed the gospel, but there was very good feedback from several in the extended time for visiting afterwards. There were a little over 20 present and many were different from the ones present the night before. The session finally broke up well after 6pm.

I continue to be more and more impressed with Ronnie and Nina Salunga. In addition to being such exceptional host to Lordy and me, they have opened their home in hospitality to visitors both before and after each service. The meeting place for the church is a room on the first floor of the Salunga’s home. After every study, they invite people attending upstairs to the portion of their home used as their dwelling where further discussion can continue more privately with individual visitors. They are truly a family that exemplifies a love of the truth and the souls of others. Many contacts have been made in this way and we pray the Lord will richly bless their efforts.