Monday, February 28, 2011

First Day of Bacolod Lectures

It started as another rainy day here in Bacolod. Jonathan Carino and Lordy Salunga joined Chip and me for breakfast at about 7:30am. We always treasure our time talking about spiritual things and enjoying each other’s company. It is a time to recharge our batteries and get ready for the day.

The venue for the lectures is the same as when I came here late last summer, The Business Inn, in downtown Bacolod. We hoped to get started at 9am, but the rain delayed the arrival of most people. We final got started about 9:45am. I began with a lesson on “Salvation & the Seed, the Gospel of Christ.” We decided to go with the same approach as used in Ilo-Ilo and it seemed to work well here too. I followed that introduction with the lesson on “The Inspiration of Scripture.” Chip the gave a lesson on “Holy Living.” It was a good study that emphasized the strict moral teaching of the gospel. I followed with a lesson on “The Need for & Source of Divine Authority.”

After lunch, we began with Chip preaching on the “Conversion of Cornelius.” I followed that with a lesson on “Who Is a Christian?” stressing that the gospel (without addition or subtraction) will produce only Christians – members of the same body of Christ we read about in the New Testament. Chip followed with a study on “Identifying the NT Church.” I then preached on “Characteristics of NT Baptism” followed by a 45-minute questions/answer session. Questions ranged from the subject of our old friend (the thief on the cross) to the kingdom and rapture to baptism to the duration of miracles. In other words, it was a wide-ranging field of questions, but all seem to have come from those really seeking for truth, not just argumentative.

During the afternoon session, a band was setting up their stage directly behind a thin partition to the speaker’s right for a function tonight. When the band cranked up during the second lesson for each of us, Chip and I had to yell over the microphone to be heard. Though we had agreed that no such disturbance was to be present, the management did not put a stop to it. After the lectures were over, I informed the management that I was very unhappy with their actions and that I would expect an adjustment in the financial settlement because they failed to meet our contract. Since we have used this venue repeatedly over the past few years, I think they know we will not be coming back if they fail to offer sufficient compensation. Frankly, I feel like demanding an extra amount for having to endure the ear-assaulting, off-key-caterwauling from that group. They had two towers of speakers that would have provided all sound needed in Central Park! If there are any music teachers reading this, I know where your talents are needed!

The Lord willing, we will conclude the lectures here in Bacolod tomorrow and fly to Cebu in the evening. I will try to get my report together during the trip and post it when we arrive in Cebu. Thanks again for your support and prayers.

Brotherly, Harry O.